
Have a look at my video produced by the local community access station here about making non-toxic cleaners, and showing a visit to the cleaning product aisle at a grocery store:  Non-Toxic Cleaners Film.
All-Purpose Disinfecting Cleaner

1 tablespoon liquid soap
1 cup warm water
2/3 cup white vinegar

In a spray bottle, mix the soap and water first to prevent clumping.  Then add the vinegar and mix gently. 

Burnt Enamel Pot Cleaner

2 tablespoons baking soda
2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide
2 drops dish soap
1 cup water

Pour baking soda into the burnt enamel pot. Add hydrogen peroxide, dish soap and  water. Place the pot onto the stove and turn on to low. Gently boil the solution for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the pot from heat and let it cool before using the scrub brush to remove burned-on material. 

Carpet Deodorizer

1 pound baking soda
1/2 teaspoon essential oil, optional 

If using oil, mix into the baking soda with a fork to work out any lumps.  Sprinkle onto the carpeting, leave for an hour or so, and then vacuum.  The baking soda will then deodorize your vacuum cleaner bag.
Drain Cleaner

1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup white vinegar
boiling water

Pour the baking soda down the drain followed by the vinegar.  Let it bubble for 15 minutes.  Pour a tea kettle full of boiling water to rinse.

Fabric Softener

White Vinegar

Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle or pour the white vinegar into the softener dispenser to the fill line.

Garbage or Diaper Pail Deodorizer

1 teaspoon tea tree oil
1 cup baking soda

Mix the ingredients together using a fork to work out the lumps.  Sprinkle into the bottom of the pail or can.  Leave overnight.  In the morning, pour the baking soda down the sink drain.  Periodically, rinse the pail with white vinegar and water and leave in the sun to dry.  The sun has great disinfecting properties as does vinegar.

Glass Cleaner

White Vinegar

Mix one part white vinegar to one part water in a bucket or a spray bottle.  Wash you windows with a rag and then dry with crumpled up newspaper.

Hand Soap

2/3 cup water
1/3 cup liquid soap
essential oils for antibacterial properties, optional

Gently mix ingredients in a pump dispense or other bottle.  This makes great foamy soap if you use a foaming pump.

Mold and Mildew Cleaner

3 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally   I have not tried the recipes in the linked article from Care2 as I do not have mold or mildew.  I'd love to hear how they work from anyone who tries them.

No-Soap, No-Rinse Floor Cleaner

1 cup white vinegar
bucket of hot water
10 drops essential oil, optional
baking soda for scuff marks

Add the vinegar to the bucket of hot water.  If you want to add essential oils for fragrance, you should put this at the bottom of the bucket before you add the water so it mixes well.

Sprinkle baking soda on any tough stains or scuff marks and wipe them up with a damp cloth.

Oven Cleaner

1 cup baking soda
white vinegar, about 1/4 cup

First, remove your oven racks to be washed in the sink.  Next, scrape out your oven with a wooden or plastic spatula to remove any large pieces of burnt crud or grease.  In a medium sized bowl, combine the baking soda and enough vinegar to make a thin paste by stirring well with a fork.  Work quickly and apply the paste to all sides of your oven and the door with a pastry brush or some other brush.  You want the vinegar and baking soda to still be reacting to each other when you apply it to the oven.  Leave the paste for a couple hours.  Remove with a non-scratch scrub pad and lots of water.  Make sure to use a clean cloth at the end to remove all the baking soda residue.

Scouring Powder

Baking soda is all you need.  Find a dried cheese shaker at the store and fill it with the baking soda.  Use it like you would use any other store-bought scouring powder.

Silverware Cleaner

Baking Soda
Boiling Water

Cover the bottom of a baking pan with aluminum foil.  Make one layer of silverware so they are not touching each other.  Add about 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of salt to the pan.  Pour the boiling water over the silverware to cover them.  You will notice a sulfur smell as the aluminum acts as a magnet to attract the tarnish.  Remove the silverware with tongs after 1-5 minutes.  Rinse and buff dry.  Caution:  You should not use this on silver jewelry as the hot water could loosen any settings such as stones.  This is for silver silverware that tarnishes--not stainless steel silverware.

Silver Jewelry Cleaner

Soft, damp cloth or toothbrush

Rinse silver jewelry to moisten.  Rub the tarnished jewelry with the toothpaste using a damp cloth or a soft toothbrush to get into crevices.  Rinse and buff dry.

Soft Scrub

Baking Soda
Liquid Soap

The quantities depend upon the size of your job.  Starting with 1/2 cup of baking soda might clean your tub and the walls of the tub.  Using a fork, stir in a quantity of liquid soap to turn the mixture into the consistency of frosting.  Only make as much as you need as it is easier to make more than to store it in a jar.  Once you have your soft scrub, put a dollop on a damp sponge or cloth and start cleaning.

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